Grading System in Indonesia

Indonesia GPA calculator

Grading scales:


Scale Scale 2 Grade Description US Grade Notes
10.00 100.00 Excellent (Istimewa) A+ Sepuluh
9.00 - 9.99 90.00 - 99.99 Very Good (Sangat Baik/Baik Sekali) A Sembilan
8.00 - 8.99 80.00 - 89.99 Good (Baik) B Delapan
7.00 - 7.99 70.00 - 79.99 Above Average (Lebih Dari Cukup) B Tujuh
6.00 - 6.99 60.00 - 69.99 Average (Cukup) C Enam
5.00 - 5.99 50.00 - 59.99 Below Average (Hampir Cukup) D Lima - Failing grade for certain subjects such as Religious Education, Mother Tongue/Indonesian Language, and Moral Education
4.00 - 4.99 40.00 - 49.99 Deficient (Passing grade) (Kurang) D Empat - Passing grade in some subjects, a failing grade in others
4.00 - 4.99 Deficient (Failing grade) (Kurang) F Failing grade in some subjects, a failing grade in others
3.00 - 3.99 30.00 - 39.99 Very Deficient (Kurang Sekali) F Tiga - Failing grade in general
2.00 - 2.99 20.00 - 29.99 Unsufficient (Buruk) F Dua
1.00 - 1.99 10.00 - 10.99 Very Unsufficient (Buruk Sekali) F Satu

University Common I

Grade Scale Grade Description US Grade Notes
A 4.00 Excellent/Very Good (Istimewa/Sangat Baik) A
B 3.00 - 3.99 Good (Baik) B
C 2.00 - 2.99 Average (Cukup) C
D 1.00 - 1.99 Poor/Passed Conditionally (Kurang/Lulus Bersyarat) D
E 0.00 - 0.99 Unsatisfactory (Gagal/Tidak Lulus) F Fail

University Common II

Grade Grade Description US Grade
A Excellent (Sangat Baik) A
A- Good (Baik) A-
B+ Good (Baik ) B+
B Good (Baik ) B
B- Average (Cukup) B-
C+ Average (Cukup ) C+
C Average (Cukup) C
C- Deficient (Kurang) C-
D+ Deficient (Kurang) D+
D Deficient (Kurang) D
D- Deficient (Kurang) D-
E Unsatisfactory (Gagal) F

International Baccalaureate Diploma

Scale US Grade
6.00 - 7.00 A
5.00 - 5.99 B
4.00 - 4.99 C
3.00 - 3.99 D
1.00 - 2.99 F
0.00 - 0.99 F

Hasanuddin University

Grade Scale US Grade
A 85.00 - 100.00 A
A- 80.00 - 85.99 A-
B+ 75.00 - 80.99 AB
B 70.00 - 75.99 B
B- 65.00 - 70.99 B-
C+ 60.00 - 65.99 BC
C 50.00 - 60.99 C
D 40.00 - 50.99 D
E 0.00 - 39.99 F

Indonesia Defense University

Grade Grade Description US Grade
A Very Satisfactory A+
A- Satisfactory A-
B+ Very Good B+
B Good B
B- Almost Good B-
C+ Adequate C+
C Inadequate C
C- Very Poor C-
F Fail F

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Grade Scale Grade Description US Grade
A 80.00 - 100.00 Exceptional A
AB 73.00 - 79.00 Excellent AB
B 65.00 - 72.00 Good B
BC 57.00 - 64.00 Satisfactory BC
C 50.00 - 56.00 Sufficient C
D 44.00 - 49.00 Poor D
E 0.00 - 43.00 Fail F

Sriwijaya University

Grade Scale Scale 2 Grade Description US Grade
A 86.00 - 100.00 4.00 Excellent/Very Good (Sangat Baik) A
B 71.00 - 85.99 3.00 Good (Baik) B
C 56.00 - 70.99 2.00 Average (Cukup) C
D 40.00 - 55.99 1.00 Poor/Passed Conditionally (Kurang) D
E 0.00 - 39.99 0.00 Unsatisfactory (Sangat Kurang) F

State Polytechnic of Malang (POLINEMA)

Grade Scale Scale 2 Grade Description US Grade
A 80.00 - 100.00 4.00 Outstanding A
B+ 73.00 - 80.00 3.50 Excellent AB
B 65.00 - 73.00 3.00 Very Good B
C+ 60.00 - 65.00 2.50 Good BC
C 50.00 - 60.00 2.00 Fair C
D 39.00 - 50.00 1.00 Pass D
E 0.00 - 39.00 0.00 Fail F

State University of Semarang

Universitas Negeri Semarang

Grade Scale Grade Description US Grade
A 86.00 - 100.00 Very Good (Sangat baik) A
AB 81.00 - 85.00 More than good (Lebih dari baik ) AB
B 71.00 - 80.00 Good (Baik) B
BC 66.00 - 70.00 More than fair (Lebih dari cukup ) BC
C 61.00 - 65.00 Fair (Cukup) C
CD 56.00 - 60.00 Less than fair (Kurang dari cukup) CD
D 51.00 - 44.00 Poor (Kurang ) D
E 0.00 - 49.00 Fail (Tidak lulus ) F

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Grade US Grade
A- A-
B+ B+
B- B-
C+ C+

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